Latest News – Old Columban News

The latest Old Columbanl news from the College.

London Foundation Event, May 2025

Old Columbans, parents (current and former) and friends of the…
March 4, 2025/by sccdublin

Memorial Service: Warden Gibbs

On Saturday 17th June at 2.00pm a service in memory of former…
April 10, 2023/by sccdublin

Co-Education in 1971

The first girls entered the College 51 years ago - just four…
June 20, 2022/by sccdublin

Trip to Ypres, April 2022

Remembrance in Ireland is not easy, at least not when it comes…
April 20, 2022/by sccdublin

The 2020 Sixth Form

On March 12th 2020, the Taoiseach announced from Washington DC…
March 27, 2022/by sccdublin

Norman Lush at 100

The College community sends its best wishes and congratulations…
August 21, 2021/by sccdublin

Tobias Onyeka-Patrick, RIP

We have been deeply saddened this week at the untimely passing…
October 5, 2020/by sccdublin

Chris Vis

On Sunday 1st March the late Christiaan Vis, former Head of Art…
March 2, 2020/by sccdublin

The Barnardo Films

We are delighted to present an extraordinary discovery on film.…
May 16, 2019/by sccdublin

Art & Music Prize Weekend

The Art and Music Prize events took place over the weekend, on…
April 2, 2019/by sccdublin

Leaving Certificate Results 2018

A hearty congratulations to the Leaving Certificate Class of…
August 15, 2018/by sccdublin

Old Columban Art Exhibition

During the recent 175th Anniversary Weekend a collection of paintings…
June 11, 2018/by sccdublin

175 Weekend

A spectacular weekend's activities concluded last night with…
June 4, 2018/by sccdublin

Weekend Celebrations for the 175th

Old Columbans are currently travelling from all over the world…
June 1, 2018/by sccdublin

Floreat Columba

To coincide with the 175th anniversary, the Sub-Warden, Julian…
May 24, 2018/by sccdublin

David O’Morchoe

Today, May 17th, we congratulate David O'Morchoe on his 90th…
May 17, 2018/by sccdublin

Development Office Launch

The launch of the College's Development Office and 175th Anniversary…
December 7, 2017/by sccdublin

Orla McCooey Memorial Service

A service was held in the Chapel this afternoon in memory of…
November 25, 2017/by sccdublin

OC Ian McKinley Makes Debut for Italy

Updated Monday November 13th 2017, 8:00am

Everyone within…
November 11, 2017/by sccdublin

1920s Photographs of the College

The College thanks sincerely Siobhán Tulloch, who has sent us…
September 27, 2017/by sccdublin

A Busy Weekend at St. Columba’s

St. Columba's College, being a seven day boarding school, organises…
September 18, 2017/by sccdublin

All-Ireland Senior Prefects’ Conference

Last Friday, September 8th 2017, saw the inaugural All-Ireland…
September 12, 2017/by sccdublin

Alex Panayotou

On Thursday 1st June in the Big Schoolroom, Old Columban Alex Panayotou will talk to all V, IV, II, I and Primary (those in exam Forms are welcome too).
A motivational speaker based in Spain and Greece, with an extraordinary story in extre...
May 27, 2017/by St. Columba's College News Archive

Transition Year Careers Morning

We were delighted to welcome back eleven Old Columbans today as speakers for this year's Transition Year Careers Morning. The speakers took part in some career "speed dating" rotating around small groups of pupils, speaking with them about ...
May 13, 2017/by St. Columba's College News Archive
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