Dear Friends of St. Columba’s College,
The College Fellows and staff very much hope that you and your family are well and managing with the many restrictions which we have all had to become used to as part of our daily lives.
We are acutely aware that one of the changes which some people are facing is that their incomes may have been hit immediately and significantly by COVID-19. We do not wish to put any additional burden on you if that is the case. There may however be some of you that are in a position to help us to support our pupils and their families at this unprecedented time and would be most grateful for your support.
Our team are working tirelessly to try to ensure the smooth transition for our pupils both with online learning and supports but also into the future. This may need to include providing, where possible, necessary extra financial support to ensure that our pupils may return to school and remain part of our community.
At a time when “isolation” and “distance” are the buzz words of the day, together we plan to make sure that supporting this group of pupils will demonstrate an act of solidarity and compassion both of which are very much part to the Columban ethos.
As a member of the SCC community, we are asking for your help to build on this foundation of kindness. Many of you have been so generous in the past and for this, we thank you sincerely. We hope we can count on your support once again today.
If you are in a position to help we ask that you donate to the Emergency Bursary Fund through the PayPal portal below (this is also for credit or debit card donations), through bank transfer or by sending a cheque. (Please note: PayPal & Credit / Debit card donations are subject to PayPal fees).
We wish to thank you for being part of the St Columba’s College response to this crisis. Your support has made a difference in the past and it will make a difference again.
With sincere thanks,
Mark Boobbyer (Warden) & Sarah Love (Chairperson of the Fellows)

Mark Boobbyer

Sarah Love
Donate to the Emergency Bursary Fund
Donate via Pay Pal
Donate via Credit / Debit Card
Donate via Bank Transfer
Donate by Cheque
Account & Contact Details
Bank Account Details for Bank Transfers:
Name of Account:The College of St. Columba Development Deposit Account
Name of Bank: AIB Bank, 40-41 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
IBAN Number: IE77AIBK93338407162702
Please add your FULL NAME as a reference and include EMERGENCY BURSARY FUND APPEAL
- The College is registered to claim Tax Relief on donations of €250 and over and Gift Aid on STG£ donations – paperwork will be sent out in due course.
- Charity Reference Number: CHY 4020.
- Registered Charity Number: 20005306
Cheque Payments:
Please make cheques payable to: St Columba’s College. Cheques can be posted to:
The Development Office,
St. Columba’s College,
Dublin 16
Should you have any enquiries regarding donations or how to donate please contact:
Sonia Young, Development Manager
Phone: + 353 1 4956919