Entries by St. Columba's College News Archive

The Submarine, January 2017

[ General ]The latest edition of the Library magazine, The Submarine, is out, and it is a special one, since our Librarian, Mr McConville, moves to pastures new next month. His creation and editing of this excellent magazine has been one of the hig…

Staff v Pupil debate

[ General ]Jiwoo Park writes: The pupil versus staff Christmas debate took place in the BSR on Monday 12thDecember. The staff, represented by Ms. Smith, Mr. Jones and Reverend Owen proposed the motion ‘This house believes in Santa’. Opposing the motio…

TY History

[ Academic ]On Monday, 5th December, Ms Duggan’s Transition Year History students took part in a project where we learned about an emblematic battle of the 1916 Rising, the Battle of Mount Street Bridge (http://mountstreet1916.ie), partially through u…

Warden’s Thoughts 6

[ General ]The latest post from the Warden’s blog:
Last week was the senior drama play, the Antigone. It was low key in some ways, because the cast was not huge, the set was very basic and the costumes were not flashy. However the production was outs…

US election 2016

US Mock Election
Before the shock election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States St Columba’ s College held its own mock election on Tuesday the 8th of November. In stark contrast to the actual presidential elect…

Warden’s Thoughts 5

[ General ]The latest blog entry by the Warden. See previous posts here.
I am always moved by remembrance week, but my emotions are mixed. There is obviously the feeling of pride as I remember members of my family who died in the First World War and …

Team Hope

Mr Paul Cron leads the appeal for Team Hope and he writes:
“Every year we support the Christmas Shoebox Appeal run by Team Hope. Last year we sent 231 gift filled shoeboxes to needy children in Africa and parts of Eastern Europe. Over the …

Christmas cards for sale

This year we are making our St Columba’s College Christmas cards available for purchase.
There are three different images to choose from and each pack contains five cards of the same image. To view the cards click here.  The cost is…

Warden’s Thoughts 4

[ General ]Check out the Warden’s blog here.  Click here for photos of Bullying Awareness Week.
October 23rd:
“Last week was Bullying Awareness Week and I was impressed by the seriousness with which everyone contributed to a thought-provoking a…