Entries by sccdublin

Warden’s Thoughts on … George Mallory

It was a joy to see so many of our musicians performing last week at the Wesley Feis and getting plenty of recognition. My own musical career was not spectacular. I did learn the flute for a long time at school and managed to scrape through Grade 5 and Grade 5 theory, before failing Grade […]

Rugby Tour to Italy – Report & Photos

During the February midterm break, a group of St. Columba’s College junior and senior rugby players travelled to Naples to play a series of games against Amatori Napoli Rugby Club. The group arrived in Rome on the morning of Friday 17th and then travelled south to Naples by bus, where they were based during their […]

Junior Play 2023 – Guests of The Nation

This year’s Junior Play, featuring a cast of pupils from Forms I, II and III, is Guests of the Nation – a short play based on the Frank O’Connor short story of the same name, adapted for the stage by Michael James Ford. The play takes place in and around a remote cottage in West Galway […]

Sebastian Dijkstra – An Update from Glenwood High School, Durban

Sebastian Dijkstra, a pupil in Form IV, is spending his Transition Year at Glenwood High School in Durban with the aim of improving his cricket and expanding his horizons. He sends a report from South Africa on how his year has been going so far. The journey began on the 8th of January in Terminal […]

Half Term Sports Update – February 2023

The fine weather meant few interruptions and a packed schedule of fixtures in all sports. In rugby, the Juniors have continued their fantastic form in the league beating Sandford Park and St. Benildus in the last couple of weeks setting a big game against Templeogue after half-term, which will likely decide who wins the League. The […]


Transition Year News – February 2023

Our Transition Year pupils will spend the week after half-term on work experience, which is a fantastic opportunity to explore the working world and discover if a particular career area might interest them. We wish them all the best of luck and thank all the “employers” for facilitating our pupils’ experiences. As per usual, there […]


Science Olympiad Success

Last Saturday, six Form V pupils took part in the second round of the Irish Olympiad of Experimental Science at Dublin City University with four of the six achieving medals. In Biology, Lorne Walsh finished in first place, taking the gold medal while Rachel Shaw came second, receiving a silver medal. In Chemistry, Elizabeth Hart […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Our annual Mental Health Awareness Week took place last week, at a time when everyone needed a pick-me-up. Once again, there was a varied and engaging programme for both pupils and staff, including some interesting speakers, active workshops and mindful activities. Early morning walks proved a popular way to start the day while everyone was […]

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Transition Year Leadership Day 2022

A report on the recent Transition Year Leadership Day, by Aeladh Bradley Brady. On Tuesday the 29th of November, the whole of the Transition Year pupils were taken out of the college on a trip as a lovely surprise and to celebrate receiving our Junior cycle results. Throughout the day we participated in many fun-filled […]

Senior Art Trip to Newgrange & National Museum of Ireland

On Tuesday 8th and Friday 11th of November, the Form V and Form VI Art sets visited the fascinating ancient burial site at Newgrange Co. Meath. In the afternoon they went to the NMI where they carried out an in depth examination of the pre-Christian artefacts they have studied as part of their Visual Studies […]

Half Term Sports Update

Sport plays such an important part in the lives of Columbans, with six days of organised games each week. The traditional College winter sports, rugby and hockey, are complimented by a vibrant basketball programme, a growing archery tradition, the thrills of polocrosse (think lacrosse on horseback) and, this year, a brilliant golf academy. The Golf […]


Transition Year News Update – October 2022

It’s difficult to keep up with everything our Transition Year pupils do on a weekly and even daily basis. The fourth year at St. Columba’s is like no other year with the academic work of the pupils complemented by a wide and varied non-academic programme. The opening eight weeks of term have already been jampacked. […]


Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2022

The Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal aims to collect and deliver wrapped and packed shoeboxes, full of toys and essentials, for some of the poorest children in the world. To date, over 2 million such boxes have been handed directly to children all around the world and the College are delighted to have a long […]

Drama News: Form I & II Plays

The Form Plays returned to the BSR on the evening of Sunday October 16th in the tried and trusted double-bill format. The Form I play, directed by Mr. McCarthy and Mr Girdham, was Red Hot Cinders, a version (in verse) of the classic Cinderella tale. A cast of ten young thespians elicited gasps and laughter galore, […]


Bullying Awareness Week 2022

Our Bullying Awareness Week provides an opportunity to reflect on how we build and protect relationships across the College. Our theme this year was a simple one – friendship – the cornerstone of any good anti-bullying strategy. Last week, our pupils took part in a wide range of activities with friendship at the centre of […]

Pupils’ Council 2022/2023

Congratulations to the following pupils who were elected to represent their year groups in the recent Pupils’ Council elections. Form VI – Kai Yuan Shi, Elena O’Dowd. Form V – Cheuk Yin Wong, Ebah Assebian. Form IV – Euan Flanagan, Constance Chambré. Form III – Anna MacManus, Johnny Leonard Form II – Jason Wong, Josefien […]

Art Exhibition – Sculpture in Context

Form IV pupil Aeladh Bradley Brady reports on the recent art expedition to the National Botanic Gardens. On Friday the 16th of September the Form IV art pupils went on an outing to the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin to see the art exhibition, Sculpture in Context. The purpose of this trip was to get […]

Warden’s Blog – The College Foundation

On Friday we are officially launching the new Foundation of St. Columba’s College, with a look to the future development of the College. This is a fresh start, with a fresh emphasis and a new direction. Development is usually seen as building: a new set of classrooms, new boarding houses, a new Astro, or, as […]