Entries by sccdublin

Politics Debate Club

Raphaela Ihuoma writes: On Wednesday our weekly Politics Debate Club came together and discussed whether juveniles should be tried as adults for serious crimes and also whether ex-criminals can reform and reintegrate back into society. Raphaela introduced the motion in a neutral way and the group discussed the following points and issues: Are ex-criminals able […]

Girls’ basketball awards

The senior girls basketball team wrapped up the season a little differently yesterday and said farewell to the Sixth Formers, Captain Calina Sacolax, Avouka Assebian and Abbie O’Brien. It was great catching up with the team and we would like to congratulate the following Most Valuable Player – Charlotte Moffitt Most Improved player – Maybelle […]

Art Talk by Gawain Rainey

Fifth Former Maybelle Rainey writes: On Thursday evening, at the Art Talk, my uncle Gawain Rainey spoke about art in the fashion world. His company Image Partnership has over 20 years of experience producing fashion shoots and films and is also an agency representing some of the hottest artistic talent in fashion. He has worked […]

Portraits of SCC

During the period of ‘lockdown’ since March, our resident Chaplain and talented photographer, Daniel Owen, has been roaming the campus taking pictures, and now we present you with an online exhibition, below. These are of course portraits of a campus emptied of pupils (though there are many resident staff and their families); they are also […]


Sixth Form Awards

Last Friday the Warden held an online ‘Assembly’ for Sixth Formers and their teachers, since all academic work has now finished for them. During Assembly he announced the winners of the 2019-2020 Form Prizes, based on work done since September: Megan Bulbulia, Sophia Cole, Camila Garcia Herrera, Dmytro Kasianenko, Eliza Somerville, Tania Stokes. Prizes for […]

RNLI Charity Challenge

Fifth Former Tim Otway-Norwood and three of his friends are raising money for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution by ‘virtually cycling’ around Ireland. They aimed to raise €2000 at first, but have gone well past that now, with currently over €7000 on their GoFundMe page. Tim writes: “To update you, the RNLI challenge is going […]

Open ‘Days’

[Update May 27th: we have now concluded these sessions, but hope to run more next term if still necessary]. Since our annual May Open Evening cannot take place, due to the closure of the campus, the Warden is going to host ‘remote’ Open sessions, and families who are interested in sending children to the school […]

Politics Debate Club

Éile Ní Chianáin reports on the latest session of the Fifth Form virtual politics debating club: Today we discussed ‘the legalization of all drugs.’ Sinead Cleary introduced the topic and highlighted why she suggested this motion. We decided to begin each of our meetings with a quick vote before the discussions began on whether we […]

Art Prizes 2020

Congratulations to pupils who have been awarded Art Prizes this year (the annual prize exhibition could not be held this year in March). You can see the work of these pupils in the album lower down the page.   Senior Earl of Meath Art Prize Arizona Forde (Coursework notebook pages and lino) Senior Craft Prize […]

Warden’s Thoughts: Sixth Form

From the Warden: 10th May 2020 So, there are not going to be any Leaving Certificate exams this year. It is probably the right course of action, but I cannot bring myself to feel any satisfaction about the cancellation, even if it simplifies my summer and that of all our teachers. It does mean that […]

Darkness Into Light 2020

This weekend would have seen our Transition Year pupils participating in our 5th Pieta House ‘Darkness into Light’ walk in Marlay Park. Despite the cancellation of the event, we continued the tradition and supported this amazing charity by asking TY pupils and staff to show solidarity with those affected by suicide by getting up at 5:30am […]

Artist Talk with Niall O’Lochlainn

After the first virtual Artist Talk last week, Maybelle Rainey had the idea of getting a guest artist to speak every week. So this week we had “Art Maker”, Street Artist, Illustrator and Teacher, Niall O’Lochlainn, to talk to the pupils about his art work. It was really interesting for pupils to hear about his […]

Wellbeing Challenge 2

The first Wellbeing Challenge this term produced lots of cheery images of what makes pupils, staff and parents happy. The next challenge is to submit photos of things which bring you calm and peace. Please submit photos by Thursday 14th May. See all the photos from the challenges in the album below.

Run for Bangladesh

Fifth Former Tita Schack and friends are organising a charity fundraiser for the Chittagong eye infirmity (CEITC), which is the largest eye clinic in Bangladesh. They would be grateful for any contributions to this worthy cause. You can see plenty more details, and a link for donations, here. You can follow also on Instagram here.  

Crash Course Debate Club

Fifth Former Raphaela Ihuoma writes: The “crashcoursedebateclub” is a Fifth Form discussion group. We discuss current affairs, political and social issues. I set up the club in the midst of this global pandemic because I was keen to discuss and make sense of what was going on around me. I realised that when I spoke […]

Ain’t No Mountain

Our Sine Nomine choir are taking part in lots of international choir collaboration at the moment, and the latest track has just been released. If you want your spirits lifted, listen to Andrea Baker leading the way with ‘Ain’t No Mountain’.

Virtual Politics Discussion Group

12 Fifth Form pupils yesterday met virtually to discuss the impact of Covid 19 on the twelve countries they researched and have personal experience of: the UK, Nigeria, Turkey, Singapore, Hungary, Australia, Spain, Italy, the United States, China, Sweden and of course Ireland. Each pupil wrote 500 words on his/her country and this was shared […]

Earth Day Competition

Despite the pandemic and global lockdown, there is some positive news regarding the environment. The waters in the Venetian canals have cleared, LA smog has disappeared and in Thailand restrictions keeping humans and harmful waste off beaches are having a beneficial effect on the numbers of endangered leatherback sea turtles. Today, April 22nd, is the 50th […]