Entries by sccdublin

Warden’s Thoughts: diversity, intelligence and league tables

Last week I was at the annual conference of HMC, the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference, attended by the heads of all the top private schools in the UK and many from elsewhere too. UK schools are dominated by the necessity to ‘perform’ in the league tables and the pursuit of those higher places, based entirely […]


1920s Photographs of the College

The College thanks sincerely Siobhán Tulloch, who has sent us a highly evocative collection of photographs from 1922-24. They feature her uncle John David Gwynn, and there are also letters to do with her great-uncles Lucius and Arthur Gwynn who were pupils at the College in the 1880s. They were great sportsmen in cricket and […]

London Drone Festival

Well done to the team from Dependable Productions in Yorkshire, who have had two films selected for the London Drone Film Festival, one of which is the drone film they created for the College in May 2016. The festival is on Monday 25th September at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London.

College Prospectus

A feature on the website of design company Red Dog gives a good account, complete with photographs, of the process of creating our lovely new prospectus. Many of the photographs in the brochure have since been used on this site. The prospectus is only available in paper form (a conscious decision) and can be order […]

Library Developments

The superb College Library opened on two sides of the Warden’s Garden in 1994, as a result of the Development Appeal in 1993 for the College’s 150th anniversary. Now we are approaching our 175th (in 2018), and the Library continues to be central (literally) to the life of the school. Designed by Old Columban John […]