Entries by sccdublin

Warden’s Thoughts 2

The Warden’s second blog-post of 2018 is about recent events in the world: Every time that we think that Donald Trump cannot get any lower we are proven wrong. It would be funny if it were not for the fact that he is the most powerful man in the world. This time he has described […]

Warden’s Thoughts

The Warden’s thoughts as the new term and year start: 9th January 2018 ‘There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.’ (John Adams, second president of the USA) The best schools and colleges have always had a holistic view of education, believing that what […]

Start of Hilary Term 2018

Monday 8th January Staff meetings in morning and afternoon. Boarders return to school between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. 8.30pm: Roll-call in House for all boarders. Tuesday 9th January 8.50am: day boys and girls report. 8.55am: first Chapel bell. Assembly after Chapel. Afternoon classes on Summer Timetable today only (day boys and girls may leave at 3.35pm).

The Submarine

The first edition of the new-format magazine called The Submarine is now out. Check it out here, or look at it in ‘flippable’ form on the English Department site here. Caoimhe Cleary was Editor; Tania Stokes illustrated; and there were impressive contributions made by many other pupils, both artistically and as writers. You can see […]

Christmas Thoughts

The Warden’s final blog post of 2017 might also be titled “It’s not all about Santa”… 11th December 2017 I always enjoy Christmas and most things that go with it. I love the music and I love singing Christmas carols. I love the food, particularly the turkey and the pigs in blankets, and I have […]

Final Weekend of Term

Saturday 9th December 8.15pm: Christmas Concert, BSR (parents are welcome to attend). Sunday 10th December 10am: Matins 7.30pm: roll-call for VI, V and choir before the Carol Service. 8pm: Carol Service, followed by reception in the BSR. 9pm: exeats end for boarders not at the Carol Service. Monday 11th December Special late rising due to […]

November/December Exodus Arrangements

Thursday 30th November 2017 White Chapel (St Andrew). Exodus starts after the end of the final examination, mid-morning. Sunday 3rd December 2017 6.30pm to 8.30pm: all boarders return between these times. 8.30pm: Roll-call in House for all boarders.  Monday 4th December 2017 8.10am: Day boys and girls report to House. 8.15am: First Chapel bell.

Orla McCooey Memorial Service

A service was held in the Chapel this afternoon in memory of Old Columban Orla McCooey. About 60 of Orla’s family, friends, OC peers, teachers and others attended, and the service was conducted by the Chaplain, Reverend Daniel Owen. Those gathered sang ‘Abide with Me’ and ‘Brother, sister, let me serve you’, and in between […]

Review of ‘Oklahoma!’

A huge amount of hard work over the last couple of months paid off for everyone involved in the latest College musical, Oklahoma! last weekend, with three excellent performances of this old Rodgers and Hammerstein favourite (their first collaboration) for pupils, teachers, parents and friends. This production maintained the high standards of recent years in […]

Pupils’ Council elections

The following have been elected to represent the Pupils’ Council in the current school year (one boy and one girl in each Form) – VI              Sean Cooper, Kitty Morris. V               Harry Kelly, Isabelle Townshend. IV              Shannon Dent, Jakob Habsburg. III              Charlotte Moffitt, Harry Petch. II               Iona Chavasse, Guy Fitzgibbon. I/P             Nikolai Foster, Kate Higgins.

March 2018 Exodus

A letter from the Warden has just been emailed to parents about a re-arrangement for the St Patrick’s Weekend Exodus in March 2018, made necessary by essential staff training for Junior Cycle changes. The explanation for this is in the letter; the key dates are summarised below: Thursday 15th March Boarders may leave on Exodus […]


This year’s major drama production is the perennially-popular Rodgers and Hammerstein 1943 musical Oklahoma! Rehearsals have been going on for many weeks now, and they culminate in performances shortly. The details are below. All performances start at 7pm in the Big Schoolroom, and last approximately 1 hour 45 minutes (including a short interval). Tickets are […]

Warden’s Thoughts: embracing the world

6th November 2017 Last week my oldest son went to a meeting in the centre of London to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which was the first step to the founding of the state of Israel. It was not a celebration but a public forum addressed by a variety of eminent politicians […]

Glasgow Hockey Tournament

A mixed Senior/2nds/Junior girls’ hockey squad, accompanied by Mrs Johnson and Mrs Fair, has just had an extremely demanding but worthwhile two days in Glasgow, playing in a tournament alongside 15 other sides. They started slowly against George Watson’s College at Hutcheson’s, losing 1-4 with a goal from Kitty Morris. They also lost next time […]

Half-Term arrangements

Friday 27th October: 10am: Parents’ Association AGM, Lower Argyle. 10.45am: All classes end, following which pupils may leave for half-term. 11am to 1pm: Parent-Teacher meeting, Sports Hall. Sunday 5th November: 6.30pm: Boarders return from this time on, by 8.30pm when there is roll-call in House. Monday 6th November: 8.10am: Day boys and girls report to […]

Young Adult reading list, Autumn 2017

Our Librarian, Ms Kent-Sutton, has created an excellent list of recently-published books which may be of interest to pupils (and their parents for Christmas presents….).  The document can be seen and downloaded here.  

Five Films about College Life

We are delighted to launch five new short films about life at the College, made by Finn Richards (who also took many of the photographs used on this site, and in our new prospectus). Five pupils chose a particular area of interest in their experience of the school, wrote scripts and then were filmed over […]

House Speech Competition review

Eliza Somerville from Fourth Form reviews the recent TY House Speech evening: An evening full of captivating speeches began with a talk about concussion from Thady McKeever. He spoke about the dangers of contact sports, and the effects of repeated concussion on the brain. He ended his speech with a thought-provoking anecdote about an American […]