Open Morning, Saturday 1st October
We are delighted that we can, for the first time since 2019, have a full and unrestricted Open Day. This takes place on the morning of Saturday 1st October 2022, and all prospective pupils and their parents (for entry any year) are welcome. It starts at 10.00am and ends at 1.00pm, and visitors are welcome at any time, though we advise not arriving after 12pm, since there is not then enough time for a tour.
Just drive into the school, and you will be met at the car parks by Transition Year pupils, who will greet you and then guide you to the reception point, Whispering House. Small groups of visitors will then be shown around the campus, seeing facilities like the Chapel, Library and Science Block, and seeing activities taking place like choir practice, House speech practice, art work, science experiments and sports sessions. Staff will be available to answer questions.
No booking is required, but any advance queries about admissions to the College should go to our Admissions Officer, Mrs Amanda Morris.