Art Prizes 2020

Congratulations to pupils who have been awarded Art Prizes this year (the annual prize exhibition could not be held this year in March). You can see the work of these pupils in the album lower down the page.


Senior Earl of Meath Art Prize

Arizona Forde (Coursework notebook pages and lino)

Senior Craft Prize

Nikolaus Wachs (lino print)

Photography Prize

Sveva Ciofani

Junior Earl of Meath Art Prize

Georgia Goodbody (painting in term I and her CBA)

Junior Craft Prize

Alison Coogan (Pottery macaroons)



Full details – 

Senior Earl of Meath Art Prize

Arizona Forde (Coursework notebook pages and lino)



  • Tania Stokes (Portrait & Painting) 
  • Iona Chavasse (Portrait)
  • Edna Johnston (Portrait)
  • Anthony Zhang (Portrait)
  • Eyitore Gbenga Ajayi (Portrait)


Senior Craft Prize

Nikolaus Wachs (lino print)



  • Paolo Garcia Leslie (Pottery Hand)
  • Iona Chavasse & Emma Hinde (Pottery landscape)
  • Elea Strahl and Mia Deutsch (Pottery hand and world)
  • Caroline Hagar and Edna Johnson (pottery Honey- comb)


Distinctions also awarded to the following for their excellent work on the JUNK KOUTURE project

  • Bonnie McCallum (Slaves to Pollution)
  • Maria Grimalt Pujol (Slaves to Pollution)
  • Jasmine Williams (Slaves to Pollution)
  • Caroline Hagar (The Treasure Hunters)
  • Vera Iltchenko (The Treasure Hunters)
  • Lioba Preysing (Black Water)
  • Franz Kohlhaas (Black Water)
  • Emma Hinde (Books for Dreams)


Photography Prize

Sveva Ciofani


Junior Earl of Meath Art Prize

Georgia Goodbody (painting in term I and her CBA)



  • Jasper Wilkinson (Drawings)
  • Amaya Street (Drawings)
  • Keelin Bradley (Drawings)
  • Phoebe Landseer (Painting term I and CBA)
  • Max Cully (CBA)
  • Isabella Tracey (CBA)
  • Jaime Green (CBA)

Junior Craft Prize

Alison Coogan (Pottery macaroons)



  • Elys Walker (Clay skull and prep work)
  • Kaley Song (Notebook Work and Drawings)
  • Kate Higgins ( Clay head and prep work)
  • Zofia Cannon-Brookes (Clay eye and prep work)
  • Isabel Warnock (Clay heart and prep work)
  • Elena O Dowd. (Lino and prep work)