March 2018 Exodus
A letter from the Warden has just been emailed to parents about a re-arrangement for the St Patrick’s Weekend Exodus in March 2018, made necessary by essential staff training for Junior Cycle changes. The explanation for this is in the letter; the key dates are summarised below:
Thursday 15th March
Boarders may leave on Exodus after classes finish at 3.30pm, or may stay overnight and leave on Friday (see below).
Friday 16th March
All academic staff in Junior Cycle training on site. College closed to Day boys and girls. Remaining Boarders will have study sessions until they leave for Exodus (by 3.30pm at the latest).
Monday 19th March
Bank Holiday. Boarders return to school between 6.30pm and 8.30pm.
Tuesday 20th March
Day boys and girls return by 8.10am, followed by normal school day.
Thursday 22nd March
Classes end at 3.30pm, with House Singing Competition in the evening.
Friday 23rd March
Hilary Term ends after Assembly (c 11.30am).