College Fees 2024-2025
Fees will be billed bi-annually
(August and January)
- Day Pupil
- Day pupils attend lessons and games but complete prep (supervised homework) at home. All meals are included in the cost.
- from
- €10,770
- per annum
- Junior Boarder
- Boarders attend lessons, games and prep and sleep in the College. Obviously, all meals are included in the cost.
- from
- €24,132
- per annum
- Senior Boarder
- Boarders attend lessons, games and prep and sleep in the College. Obviously, all meals are included in the cost.
- from
- €28,966
- per annum
- Day Boarder
- Day boarders attend lessons, games and prep (supervised homework) in the College. Three meals and two snacks are included in the cost.
- from
- €14.280
- per annum
Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards
There are a wide range and number of awards made each year on the basis of academic performance and an assessment of potential. The following outlines the major scholarships and awards which may be made each year.
Junior Scholarships are offered to the highest performers in the Entrance Assessments to Form I. The values of the awards are €2,500 for a boarder, €1,125 for a day boarder and €900 for a day pupil. These awards are tenable for three years (the duration of the Junior cycle).
The Form III Scholarship may be awarded to high performing pupils from Form III, who are invited to sit examinations in May of Form III (internal candidates only). This award is tenable for the final three years of a pupil’s school career (i.e. Forms IV, V & VI). The values of the awards are €5,000 for a boarder, €2,250 for a day boarder and €1,800 for a day pupil.
From time to time, the Warden may make additional awards to those specified above, based on a particular talent (e.g. sport) or an all-round ability to contribute significantly to the life of a boarding school.
The Old Columban Society (the association of past pupils) awards a scholarship to a child of an Old Columban, on the Warden’s recommendation. This is worth €1250 for one year only.
The Crichton Award may be made to a boy or girl seeking to enter the College in Form Primary or Form 1 who is from a Church of Ireland (or Anglican) background and who may have difficulty paying the full fees.
The sons and daughters of Church of Ireland clergy may apply for funds from the Norman Scholarship to help them through their Third Level education. In recent years, these have been awarded to all applicants and have been to the values of between €3,500 and €5,500 per annum.
Additional Awards & Discounts
Discounts. Each pupil is entitled to receive one of the following discounts, whichever is the highest applicable amount.
The children of Church of Ireland clergy are entitled to a discount of 50% of the annual fees through the Norman Scholarship fund.
Children of past pupils are entitled to a discount of 10% on the annual fees.
Parents with two or more children attending the College at the same time will be entitled to a discount of 5% on the annual fees for the second child, 10%for the third child and 15%for the fourth.
Parents who experience difficulty in paying fees are urged to contact the College about the matter. Bursaries, which are means tested, may sometimes be awarded to boarding pupils. Please read the attached Bursary Policy to learn a little more about the process of applying for a bursary.