Book Week 2023

St Columba’s is currently running its annual Book Week, a celebration of reading, from Wednesday 22nd to Tuesday 29th of March. The main activity is Drop Everything And Read, where everyone in the school (staff as well as pupils) is invited to stop their usual classwork and read a book of their choice for a designated period this morning (Saturday). Other events include a talk to first years by Dave Rudden (author of Knights of the Borrowed Dark), a ‘book chat at break’ with Forms V and VI, a senior poetry workshop with poet and author of The Examined Life, James Harpur, Book Tasting in the BSR for Forms II, III and IV and ‘speed dating with books’ for Form I. In the library itself, every time a pupil borrows a book they will be entered into a raffle and they also have the chance to win prizes by cracking the ‘book in box’ code or guessing which literary characters have ‘come to dinner’. Many thanks to Ms Kent Sutton, the College Librarian, and Mr Jameson for their organisation of the various events.

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